Scripture Reading - Psalms 18:1-3 KJV

1 To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David, the servant of the LORD, who spake unto the LORD the words of this song in the day that the LORD delivered him from the hand of all his enemies, and from the hand of Saul: And he said, I will love thee, O LORD, my strength.
2 The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower.
3 I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies.

In today’s topic we are discussing our basic “Trust In God” for all saints. This “trust in God” does not come by a simple confession of Jesus Christ as Lord. Yes, that confession should start the process toward trusting God but far too often we (ihlcc) hear many members of the Body of Christ who believe in God but don’t trust Him with their everyday lives. This brings to light the fact that “Trust In God” is something that is developed over the long haul with God or upon the revelation of God’s awesome power working on your behalf. This “Trust In God” over other men, yourself and other dangerous things will be tested in this life on earth so be prepared to demonstrate your “trust in God” by your lifestyle and confession. We will now look at some spiritual nuggets necessary to establish this “Trust In God”. The first one demonstrated in the verse above is communication with God. There is no doubt when we sincerely pray (communicate, confess, decree, etc..) to God He hears our prayers (communications) and answers back in truth. We must have fellowship with God on a consistent (regular) basis to know more about God and how He responds to us to be able to “Trust In Him”. We can see that this conversation was not only verbal in everyday communication but the Psalmist David sang unto God also. There is a lot of evidence of David writing his heart desires (communications with God) upon the media of his day. This means David thought diligently about his words to God and God’s Words spoken back to him. David wrote in verse 1 that he loved God, of course in the New Testament we show our love for God by our obedience to His Word. Our basic “Trust In God” is really our “trust” in God’s Person. We must be able to know in our heart that God will do what He promised He would do. We also must be able to publically and privately acknowledge that God is all that the Holy Bible says He Is and much more. Notice that David had enemies as a shepherd boy when he fought a lion and a bear. He had enemies within his own family who stood against him in words as his elder brothers did and even his very own son who tried to kill David to take his throne. We all remember the very real enemy David faced when the whole government under King Saul tried to destroy him as mentioned in this psalm. The point is, David had enemies and so do we maybe not to the same extent, but no less just as real. The key is recognizing that God is always there with us and our “Trust In God” is our defense. No one is saved through their own intelligence or strength but rather by the grace of God through faith. However, we must start with the fundamental “Trust In God” that He is able and willing to keep us from all harm and defeat. Notice verse 2 which states the Lord is our Rock (solid support), our fortress (impenetrable surrounding), our deliver (personal body guard), our strength (in case the battle is physical or mental weakness), our buckler (stabilizer and equilibrium, secure garment), our horn of my salvation (inward and outward alarm before the battle approaches and after the victory is won) and our high tower (place of solid refuge high above the scum of the earth). These are reasons enough for us to “Trust In God” but we have more in this New Testament like the Blood of Jesus Christ and the Name of Jesus and the continuous presence of the God’s Holy Spirit. This, my faith friend, is our reality in Christ which makes “Trusting In God” our pleasure and delight and more importantly our victory in Jesus Christ. Amen!